Regardless of whether you find yourself in a position where you are facing serious charges for a felony or a misdemeanor, out team of highly experienced attorneys are absolutely ready to guide you through the entire process which is a very complex scenario in one’s life and is a difficult experience with the legal system. Each of our attorneys are amazing, smart, compassionate legal advocates who are highly experienced and possesses impressive courtroom skills. At Monterey Criminal Defense Attorney, our lawyers work with full dedication to help you protect your career, reputation and future. We offer legal counsel for cases that involve DUI charges, domestic violence charges, sexual assault charges, and related crimes. No two cases are the same. No two clients come into a criminal case with the same fact pattern. Criminal defense cases in Monterey County are like snowflakes; no two are the same. There are several ways that a defendant might explain how the criminal conduct occurred or how it appears to have occurred. No matter how a defendant explains his/her case, we are here to understand your case in the best way possible and to provide you with the best services possible. Get in touch with us today!
Opening hours
- Saturday Closed
- Sunday Closed
- Monday 09 am - 05 pm
- Tuesday 09 am - 05 am
- Wednesday 09 am - 05 pm
- Thursday 09 am - 05 pm
- Friday 09 am - 05 pm