Gary Monfeli
13356 Blackstone Ln. Plainfield, IL 60585
Listing by : Gary Monfeli Total 1 Listings
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The Home Inspection Man
New York, United StatesThe Home Inspection Man inspectors have many years of experience in the construction industry, over 100 hours of home inspection training, plus many hours of training on job sites. As part of a commitment to the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI.), The Home Inspection Man team strictly adheres to the Standards of Practice and the code of Ethics of ASHI. We check all mechanical systems of the home, heating and air conditioning, interior plumbing and electrical systems, roof, attic, and visible insulation; walls, ceilings, floors, windows and doors, foundation, basement, and visible structure.
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Gary Monfeli
13356 Blackstone Ln. Plainfield, IL 60585Contact
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